Monday, December 17, 2012

These are designed as a set of art prints for sale at Happy Willow, a children's playground in Singapore.

Illustration (AI) Let's dream together!

These are designed as a set of art prints for sale at Happy Willow, a children's playground in Singapore.

Illustration (AI) Let's learn together!

These are designed as a set of art prints for sale at Happy Willow, a children's playground in Singapore.

Illustration (AI) Let's read together!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The dragon guardian of life has healing abilities and serves his master warrior with loyalty.

digital paintings (photoshop) breath of life

A dragon guardian of death who obeys no one but his master who has the ability to summon him.

digital paintings (ps) breath of death

This was illustrated based on a theme named "8ighties", about the fond memories of
growing up in Singapore in the 1980s.

illustration (illustrator) 8ighties 02

This was illustrated based on a theme named "8ighties", about the fond memories of
growing up in Singapore in the 1980s.

illustration (illustrator) 8ighties 01

Monday, July 16, 2012

designs done for cakes (

illustration (illustrator) cake designs

Done as a texturing and modelling test.

3d (model and texture) orchid

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A quick caricature of George Lucas, approx 2hrs..I overworked on this one a bit. It was still fun though ^^;

digital paintings (photoshop) caricature fun